Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The beginning

Hello out there! I've decided to give blogging a whirl. I named my blog "Pursuing P31" because it holds multiple meanings in my heart and in all my praying and thinking about doing this blog Proverbs 31 kept coming to my mind. Maybe it's because I've been working on an idea I had concerning it or maybe it's that still small voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart urging this idea along. Whatever the reason I am at peace with it and so excited to see what comes of it. I want to say that Proverbs 31 is a very powerful portion of scripture but the truth is every portion of scripture is. Every word in the Bible is there because God placed it there and it is all powerful and inspirational. I think that it's a portion of scripture that is speaking loudly to me at this time and this season of my life. Since some of you don't know me or don't know me that well allow me to take a minute to introduce myself.

I'm a wife, a mother of two, a daughter, a sister,a sister-in law, and a friend but most importantly I am a Christian and unashamedly so. I serve a loving God and know with out a doubt where I will go when my time on earth is done. So now that that's out of way I also want to tell you that I'm completely imperfect and while I strive to live as perfectly for Christ as I can, I realize perfection is an unattainable goal, if we could achieve perfection we wouldn't have needed a savior would we? Maybe that's why Proverbs 31, or P31 as we will call it from this point on, has spoken so loudly to me lately, specifically verses 10-31. I've heard preaching and commentary on "the virtuous woman" scripture for years but never has it so simultaneously captivated and intrigued my heart and mind until the last year of my life. I've been through a challenging year, there have been many downs but also many ups. Life is good, God is King and I'm hanging on for the ride. Will you join me for the next phase in this crazy ride? Starting with next post I'm going to go verse by verse through P31: 10-31. We'll analyze true biblical definitions, bible commentary, and other famed words of wisdom on the subject and then have some coffee tawk and tawk amongst ourselves about how this applies to us in these crazy days we're living in. Please come back and grow with me through the living Word of God. Please join me as I pursue P31.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori, I just came over from the LPM blog to tell you that I relate to what you wrote about your job. I am praying for you!
